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Israeli military launches air strikes on southern Lebanon

The Israeli military has released aerial footage of air strikes in southern Lebanon, saying it has targeted “military buildings” operated by Hezbollah in Kfar Kila and Tayr Harfa.

It added that its forces also launched artillery strikes on Shebaa and Aita al-Shaab.

The state-run National News Agency in Lebanon cited its correspondent in Tyre as reporting that the outskirts of the towns of Chamaa and Naqoura were subjected to enemy artillery shelling.

Vessel under attack off Yemen

We reported earlier that the UKMTO had confirmed that a vessel was involved in an incident 61 nautical miles (113km) off al-Makha (Mocha) in Yemen.

The maritime security agency said it came under attack by a surface drone and boats. It said an uncrewed surface vessel was spotted close to the unnamed ship and two small boats were also in the area.

The UKMTO had earlier reported another incident 55 nautical miles (101km) southeast of the Yemeni port of Aden. Separately, British security firm Ambrey said it was aware of an incident about 80 nautical miles (148km) southwest of Aden.