It's sad where the Concord discourse online went towards. Video games are a creatively led industry that makes use of all different kinds of viewpoints regardless of sexual orientation, ethnicity/race, or religion. All should be welcomed and include everyone's input. Whether a game is good or not is a different story and people will vote with their wallets. The consensus on Concord is that the game is uninspired and has a poor business model for the genre it's trying to crack into. With 8 years of development, I'll even throw in the possibility of some mismanagement. How the characters look is personal preference, I personally don't care for the characters as nobody particularly sticks out compared to Overwatch or even Valve's upcoming Deadlock, but it's what the developer's vision for them was and we as gamers should respect that.
Don't like it? Move on. Which is what the gaming community overall is doing. There are literally thousands of other games to play and enjoy, but many seem to be digging into the things that doesn't decide on whether a game is good or not. This lowkey makes me miss 20+ years ago when there were no social media echo chambers and video games were considered a geeky thing to be into lol. But I am grateful at how far video games have come and matured since then.