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Israeli troops shoot dead Palestinian man in occupied West Bank

The Wafa news agency is reporting that Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian man in the town of Yatta, south of the city of Hebron. Citing the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Wafa identified the man as Iyad Ayed Abdul Najjar, 46, and said he was shot in the head. He died immediately, it said.

Abdul Najjar’s killing takes the number of slain Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem since October 7 to 645, Wafa reported. The figure includes 147 children.

At least 15 Palestinians arrested in occupied West Bank

Israeli forces have arrested at least 15 Palestinians, including former prisoners, in the occupied West Bank during raids since Sunday night.

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society and the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs said the detentions took place in Nablus, Qalqilya, Hebron, Bethlehem and Jerusalem, according to the official Palestinian news agency Wafa.

The organisations emphasised that Israeli forces are primarily targeting former prisoners, as evidenced by their arrest of a man in Nablus, who had been released on July 30 after spending nine months in so-called administrative detention.

Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque compound: Report

The Palestinian news agency Wafa reports that Israeli settlers have stormed Islam’s third-holiest site under the protection of Israeli police officers.

The storming of the compound is a regular occurrence even though entering any part of it is forbidden for Jews due to the sacred nature of the site, according to Jewish law.

Israeli authorities have also repeatedly barred Palestinians from entering the site for Friday prayers since October 7, forcing many to pray on the streets near the Old City. Israeli forces have also attacked Palestinian worshippers inside the mosque.

‘Rape in the name of God’: Israeli settler threatens Palestinians

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has released the following video of a group of settlers harassing Palestinians in the occupied West Bank’s Hebron town and threatening them with sexual assault.

The incident took place on Sunday morning when many masked settlers arrived with a vehicle and a herd of cows on the land of a Palestinian family in Khirbet Wadi a-Rakhim in the South Hebron Hills.

One of the settlers names the infamous Sde Teiman prison, where a Palestinian inmate was recently gang-raped by Israeli guards, and threatens the Palestinians with “rape in the name of God”.