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curl-6 said:
Leynos said:

Motion controls are not 21st Century tho. NES had them with U Force. SEGA Genesis had them with the SEGA Activator which is a precursor to Kinect. There were 3rd party accessories for N64 and PS1 from Pelican. PC had them in several odd hardware gadgets for gaming. Dreamcast fishing controller had them in 1999 and they worked with Soul Calibur. VR had them in early 90s. Some arcade games had them. VR and Motion controls date back to the 80s.

True, they did exist further back, but as outlined in the OP, this can include things that technically existed in the 20th century but only really took off in the 21st, similar to how there were 3D games in the 70s and 80s but it wasn't til the 90s that 3D exploded and took over.

I would argue that motion control as a mainstream thing is a 21st century breakthrough.

It's still not mainstream though. Touch screen is a mainstream breakthrough. But it sucks for gaming :/

Minority report type control, will that ever happen? Mind / voice control combined with eye tracking might be more convenient. All 3 still need a lot of work though. Yet I don't see people 'air typing' with motion control. And why would they, blind typing on touch screen is super fast.

For gaming it's not mainstream either. It's still an add-on for games, only a primary control scheme in VR and very few games outside VR. Yet there is still a lot of time left in the 21st century :)