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Maybe to not quote the tweet of a well known PS hater would be better.

Anyway it doesn't take anything from concord failure but ... Helldivers 2 first million was mostly on ps5 so until we don't see the table of sales of August and September we won't know how much of a failure Concord is. In any case as I already wrote in the main threat of PS in this site Sony did even less to market this game that what they did with Helldivers (and they didn't do much for Helldivers) so I think the new administration knew this was going to happen.

Personally I don't have anything against services but has to be the right service, for example I do believe Media Molecule who are in theory making a service will make a great game because their games have been always services without monetization, LBP was a level editor, Dreams a game editor. Dreams is basically Roblox but pretty and without monetization so they already are good in that kind of game design they just need the right business plan.

The woke or anti woke bs is something I wont touch because MANY people use that topic as an excuse to insult others so that is something that doesn't interest me.

Last edited by GymratAmarillo - on 24 August 2024