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haxxiy said:
chakkra said:

It is still crazy to me that a Western consultation studio decided to go and try to tell them how to do their jobs and then CHARGE them for it.

They're just trying to make money. I'm sure the developers weren't offended some consultation firm reached out to them. There are dozens of them in the market for all sorts of purposes working with game studios all the time. Even if you hire any consultation firm they'll just produce a report that you can throw in the trash if you want. You aren't forced to change or implement anything.

Some people act like SBI is some insidious force that can tell the entirety of the media to slander someone, Illuminati-style, and sink their careers if they aren't hired.

That's giving them too much credit and comparing them to the bogeyman/illuminati, which they are neither of. 

But trying to pass off as if anyone is crazy or evil or any sort to back off from SBI isn't really a good faith point to have, not with how they have been acting towards anyone that does not agree or side with their ideals. You may see them as perfectly harmless, but not everyone is going to agree with your pov.

I run on what's been going on thus far, and so far it's been shown that they become aggressive when challenged or simply not desired. To tell me that isn't real isn't good faith, it's you telling me something else, and I'll be blunt, I do not appreciate being told how to think. I don't see them as some elite force or "illuminati", but I do see them causing damage and acting as an activist driven hindrance.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"