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Israeli delegation ‘presenting new offer’ in Cairo: Report

The Israeli delegation, which is currently in Cairo for the Gaza ceasefire talks, is presenting a new proposal that would allow a UN monitoring mission at the Philadelphi Corridor, according to the Al-Araby Al-Jadeed publication.

Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported that the plan seeks to have a European Union mission at the Rafah Crossing along with the Palestinian Authority.

The report added Israeli troops would gradually withdraw from the border.

Earlier, the US ambassador to the UN told the Security Council that a ceasefire deal was “in sight”.

Netanyahu’s office doubles down on Israeli control of Philadelphi Corridor

The office of the Israeli prime minister has denied news reports that Israel is open to an international monitoring mission for the Philadelphi Corridor.

“The report suggesting that the idea of deploying an international force along the Philadelphi Corridor is being considered is incorrect,” said Netanyahu’s office in a statement carried by Israeli Army Radio. “Netanyahu insists on the principle that Israel will control the route.”

Earlier, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported that Israeli negotiators planned to introduce a new proposal in Cairo allowing a UN monitoring mission at the corridor, control of which has become a major stumbling block in ceasefire talks.

Iran, Hamas have taken over Palestinian issue: Katz

The Israeli foreign minister says a Palestinian state would mean an Iranian base in Gaza and the occupied West Bank – just like in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

He added on X that this would threaten Israel’s population centres, flight paths, shipping routes and economic hubs. “We cannot let this happen,” Katz also said.

Israeli officials frequently attack the possibility of the creation of a Palestinian state, even though a two-state solution is the official policy of the US, Israel’s closest and most powerful ally.

Israel’s presence in a post-war Gaza ‘legally wrong’: UN expert

Francesca Albanese, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, says that “imagining Israel’s continued presence in “post-war” Gaza (where the scars of its genocide are indelible)” is “absolutely legally wrong”.

In a post on X, she cites the recent International Court of Justice ruling that said Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is unlawful and should come to an end “as rapidly as possible”.

Netanyahu’s stance on Philadelphi Corridor shows no desire for ceasefire: Hamas

Hamas official Osama Badran says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s demand to keep Israeli troops at the Philadelphi Corridor – a strip of land along Gaza’s border with Egypt – shows he is unwilling to reach a final ceasefire deal.

Speaking to AFP news agency, Badran reiterated that Hamas would accept “nothing less than the withdrawal of occupation forces, Philadelphi included”. This is in line with the original US- and UN-backed ceasefire plan presented by US President Joe Biden back in May, he said.

Currently, Israeli negotiators are in Cairo with mediators trying to hammer out the details of a deal, which the US and Israel said they have agreed to a “bridging proposal” for. However, Hamas has not accepted the “bridging proposal”, which it says violates earlier agreed-upon terms, and is not taking part in this round of talks.

Captive’s daughter leaves Netanyahu meeting with little hope: Report

A group of released Israeli captives and captives’ relatives has met with Netanyahu, Israel’s Maariv newspaper reports. Ela Ben Ami, the daughter of Israeli captive Ohad Ben Ami, said she left the meeting with little hope that her father would soon be freed.

“Our feeling is that this will not happen soon,” Ben Ami said in comments carried by Maariv. “I am concerned for the lives of the girls in captivity.” “The [ceasefire and captives release] deal must be finalised as soon as possible.”