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I would like a syncable base station/handheld to the TV or a dock for save transfer or play but also TV connection (if I can cast my phone to a TV or say PS remote play to a TV from my phone using the remote play app which is stupid but possible) then yeah if we could do that's I'd be up for it. I'm thinking from a still gimmicks but not awkward enough for those not into gimmicks type approach. Sure expensive but that's aside.

To me I've gotten more interested in gimmicks for consoles. Games to me are very safe by big studios and Nintendo still has that old school design I enjoy and I enjoy it with the 6th gen from all consoles but their gimmicks of the GBA to GameCube, Dreamcast VMU, PS2/Xbox pressure sensitive buttons, Eye Toy, Buzz buzzers, Singstar were all great in their own way or a hassle to setup but the games ideas were still experimental or just solid games that hold up but modern games have more simplified approaches of PS3/360 era in many cases by third parties, or we get nostalgia/inspired but it varies the ideas/talent/level design, story, movesets and general gameplay even if still some getting used to camera controls was a thing in 6th gen then it is now and many ideas are still fresh and exciting from back then than nowadays at least to me in some genres as some are still going strong others aren't and pushing me away from them. They were standard consoles to a degree technically.

I own a Switch to play my Japanese games, Nintendo 1st party I care for of Pikmin (4 wasn't that great, gyro was more restrictive so I never used it while loved it in 1 on Wii & 3 on Wii U, only got 2 via Switch HD version) the Ice Pikmin and night levels were the best parts to me but Oatchi padding of 5 day intro but fair upgrades and use of them as part Pikmin part Captain in a way, caves were ok surprised how many were new or 2 repeats, the core design with flowers/onions changing annoyed me as well).

Bayo 3 was ok of skill trees and a few differences, annoying 2 character controls that Astral Chain started and did better and Bayo Origins fixed while DMC5 had 3 characters and I was like what is this. V controls horribly but the rest is fine.

Among yes being interested in Prime 4 or others and getting to the later FE games eventually or the older ones.

Famicom Detective Club I'll get around to eventually, waiting years for Rhythm Heaven due to the lead/one that sings in it being not sick. While PS5/Series have fair ideas but mostly digital ones I can't use/don't want to use and the rest is ok but the OS and the games are just not for me. The quiet PS5 is fine but got it with Xbox One VCR/One X already as it is......

It's going to be partly a third party device but less so than PS4/Xbox One are for my already 90% of the time anyways now due to less interest in their first party output really in changed IP directions or the new IPs. XD

A standard console is fine but to me the gap of phones/PC is what it is and console needs more compelling for it. Especially if games are what they are and won't change what else of safe, experimental or in-between at least from my perspective what is there to sell me on them.

Wow a gap between two other platforms and weaker then PC because how the cycle works which is fine. Yeah nah I need more than standard consoles personally. The hardware doesn't bother me of graphics, it's gameplay.

The innovation no matter the specs, the engineers coming up with crazy ideas not just ok here is hardware, get used to it for years, move on, nothing that fun to do with it/market. Like that's just not exciting with standard consoles and if the games are just as unexciting and just more of the same or pushing graphics that's boring. We need gameplay to be exciting, hardware to be exciting but still benefit those that want gimmicks, being a cool marketing selling point and still functional for those that don't want the gimmicks of course.

Like i can go oh I'd love shooter animations to be better than two obvious aim down sights/running states and so on. Like more realistic animations of aiming/running/standing. Or a hive mind AI of losing, gaining and it working with the robot/other enemies. I think that'd would be awesome. But I can also wait as other things can be tried still. That's next gen exciting to me in animations/enemy AI. But cool mechanics is also exciting to me more then those things.

Like to me the Switch is just a continuation of what the Wii did besides what the PSP/Nomad/Pocket PCs and more have done. I can hook up a projector, I can use docks/cables for those gaming/PCs, it's nothing actually new. HD Rumble I mean Impulse Triggers on Xbox get forgotten but aren't the same thing really as HD Rumble/Haptics technically or the tension of the triggers on Dualsense.

But that doesn't take away from the split screen on a handheld, the more console nature of it in the OS with accounts then being a solo account device and moving memory cards/SD cards or working out other users in more annoying ways then should be of PSP/Vita or 3DS.

It's done a lot for making a handheld more flexible, offering bad Xbox One groups then folders because of course PS5/Switch had to do that, seriously just give me PS4/Wii U or PS3 even folders back. I hate groups/library filtering it's horrible, barely filters enough and is so whatever about visuals then compacting or filtering what I WANT it to do.

But it depends on what Nintendo has in mind for games, in mind for technology to be used in different ways, what refinements to the system, what changes as of course the handheld/console approach is very good for both audiences.

Visuals can be either way, to me their artstyles and lighting make sense but using hardware with limitations allows for creativity. I mean to me PS2/Wii/PSP versions were actually better gameplay content then PS3/360/PC versions being all about being flashy but the content wasn't always fun. Like SW Force Unleashed/Sonic Unleashed and Juiced 2, Juiced 2 feels like you get a bonus mode that's AI betting and blu-ray menu like presentation. When PS2 version has a better multiplayer mode, no need for an onlnie career mode I can't use anymore and just does the job besides better tracks then the less exciting and maybe 3D crwods but they still have worse models then the opponent drivers do. Sure textures look good and 360 had rain that PS3 doesn't but the visuals versus the content yeah I'd take content.

Same with Wii, Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands, the platforming and Wiimote use is so much fun. Then a flashy but probably fine PS3/360/PC version as I haven't played the version. Sure PSP/Wii JC's Avatar or others aren't much and more linear stealth ok but some old gens are still good versions of games and we don't get that anymore with Switch/PS5/Series just downgraded visuals and ok frame rates of games. Mobile games sure are different but that's about it. Or ok mobile ports to console which sure I experienced some PSP Minis or mobile to Wii U ports and enjoyed them from the eshop.

spurgeonryan said:

By traditional I mean where you play in your monitor alone. No walking around, taking on trains, etc.

This seems like a common question, but not one I can remember talking about.

Nintendo has had great success since the Game boy with handhelds . Leave out some outliers such as the virtual boy (not really handheld, but thought I would mention), Wii U( again, you could not leave your house a far as I know) and I am sure a few others, possibly the game boy micro.

Now they have the Switch which has done amazing as both a handheld and a play on your television, unless you got the cheap version so I am told. I believe all my kids have the cheap version as they only seem to play in the switch itself.

Nintendo has never really went for top visuals, so that does not seem to be a draw for them or by visuals I mean pure power. Nintendo itself and some third parties have certainly made some very pretty games in the past and the visuals are not anything to be mad about, but hopefully you all know what I mean. They were not getting a game like The last of Us or the games that CGi used to post extensively about in the past.

So handhelds and the power that they currently have seem to be everything Nintendo and it's gamers want.

With all that being said, and I am sure I left much out of the conversation, I would say no, they currently  have no reason to ever go traditional again.

Yes you can leave your house with the Wii U, people have used power banks (My Mate Vince the YT channel shows how and put it in a backpack, not ideal but possible, as can see here or used other power outlets before in different public places and having the voltage/amps mantained correctly for on the go, or a car charger that also offers enough power just like connecting a PS2 (example or something else without a screen to your car, AV cables and a power source that's all you need for consoles without a screen.

Besides the Gamepad charger being it's own thing which is a challenge but still. There is an image of someone using their Wii U at the airport or somewhere public. Power outlets are EVERYWHERE. The Gamepad is it's own screen.

Same with the PS1 LCD screen by Sony themselves for the PS One model or Series S with attachable screens by a third party only your carrying the Gamepad with you. Even the HipGear 2 inch screen on their third party controllers while different or even attachable screens to the GameCube for e3xample they do require a lot more cabling and working of the video but with the more official ones like Wii U/PS1 screen they require less effort to work around things.

Phones you use a QR code or just setup your TV, that's basically a similar thing of using dual screen right now but just more sync in and out (something I want Switch 2 to be is base station/handheld and syncable for dual screens, so a Wii U, Switch, Evercade or PS Vita TV/PS Vita handheld but more flexible).

If PSVR can be two screens, aka TV and headset and with Playroom Vr have multiplayer minigames, Playlink which is party games with smartphones to PS4 aka Everybody 1-2 Switch smartphone support and a party game range in 2014 aka 10 years ago Sony did what they could then moved on. There are multiple dualscreen possibilities like dual screen phones have offered but not pushed of support as much as they could because it's so niche why would they do so.

I mean the Wii U to me if it had the DS video angles of Mario DK or Prime Hunters, gameplay of The World Ends With You top/bottom or other aspects, the OS not being as restrictive as it is we would have better but because of the specs/how they were used it was very restrictive and Devs wanted to use the TV SO MUCH when the Gamepad is faster of response time and the main focus.

Last edited by SuntannedDuck2 - on 21 August 2024