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RTS, most of the other genres are based upon pure reaction reflex timing, whilst RTS relies on not only rection timing, but strategy, when to execute said strategy and where, along with all the other variables that come into play.

Bullet hell?, dodge the bullets at the right time.

Fighting games?, block or prevent a combo, or execute one at the right time.

FPS?, dodge getting hit, hide behind cover and shoot back.

RPG?, buy better items, level grind to become more powerful.

While you can "spam" in RTS, that doesn't always work, especially with the rock, paper, Scissors dynamic (especially with RTS games that offer complete counters, such as super weapons/support powers that can wipe out an entire spam wave).

I've played RTS games since I was little, and so far it has been the one genre that the majority do not pick up on, simply because it isn't everyone's cup of tea to sit down and calculate what to do to have fun with the genre. In a fighting game, you can simply hop in and play however you want, but with an RTS it's not that simple.

Also helps that I've seen strategy games that feature muscle memory playing out vs those with better ideas of strategy outplaying the ones with faster muscle reflex memories (so reflex do not always pay off in that genre, as some people have proven in the competitive side of RTS). 

Last edited by Chazore - on 21 August 2024

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"