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Are you done or do you think Nintendo is done with Zelda in its current format?

Do you want Mario to change what he has been doing in 3D land?

Any ideas on what you would like them to change or go back to next gen?

Zelda games have been open world more or less since the beginning. Obviously as visuals get better , games get bigger. But do you want it to continue down this path?

Maybe a full blown Zelda 3D, open world RPG? Or a Zelda first person game.

I totally prefer what they have been feeding me the past 30 years. But was just wondering if anyone else was tired of thr formula or have ideas that they thing would use the series. Any of the Nintendo franchises for that matter.

Games like Kirby, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Fzero. What could really push them to the next level. Make these games mega hits instead of just filler games till the next Mario or Zelda. Is it all about bigger an better? Double the size of Mario Kart levels, can anything really be changed or are they stuck don't the same things. Smash Bros has for instance has been about the same game since the N64. Sure they have added a ton into the games to make them fun,  it how long can all that last?

Anyone, or are you happy with them just keeping the same formula?

One example of just changing it all up was Mario 2 on NES. But was that a failure or just too different for the times?

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