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trunkswd said:
Pemalite said:

Have they even fixed Scarlet/Violet? It's the only game in the last 10 years I have actually returned to the store for being poor, but would pick it up today if they have fixed the performance issues and other bugs.

I am hoping they take their time with the next release and actually leverage the Switch 2.0's hardware feature set to the fullest, if the game looks like a upscaled Switch game just like Sword/Shield looked like an upscaled 3DS game... I probably won't be happy.

I played it at least 6 months after release and it still ran poorly and visually was a downgrade from Legends Arceus and Sword/Shield. You can't really blame the Switch hardware as there are other open-world games on the platform that look and run better.

Yeah, definitely not blaming the Switch hardware for this... It was one of the few games I have ever returned to the store regretting my initial purchase.

But it's been almost 2 years, they have had ample time and should have fixed most of the issues... If they haven't, then it showcases that they are prioritizing profit over making a good product or supporting their current product.

Many other developers go back to the drawing board when a game falters on launch and turns it around... Like No Mans Sky, Cyberpunk, Sea of Thieves, Halo: Master Chief Collection and Diablo 3 to name a few, they have set an example and an expectation in my opinion.

It doesn't even need to look good, just needs to run well with minimal bugs... But I guess there is an expectation to at-least match Arceus visually.

The other disappointing aspect is that the games still sold like hotcakes and it hasn't reduced in price to compensate for being a lower-quality product.. It will be interesting to see if that impacts the next Pokemon games sales rate.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--