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Israeli military carries out arrests in Tulkarem, Ramallah

Clashes erupted in Tulkarem after the Israeli military stormed the occupied West Bank city, according to local media reports.

Israeli forces have now withdrawn from the area after an hours-long raid, arresting and taking a Palestinian man with them. The Israeli military has also arrested a man and his sister after storming their home in the village of Beitin, northeast of Ramallah.

Grief and rage after 2 killed in Israeli drone strike on West Bank refugee camp

Mourners bid farewell to Palestinian Ahmad Sheikh Khalil, who was killed along with Wael Mish in an Israeli drone strike on the Balata refugee camp, in Nablus, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, on August 15

People attend the funeral for Ahmad Sheikh Khalil and Wael Mish, who were killed on Thursday in an Israeli air attack in the Balata refugee camp

No ‘rest even in death’: Bodies of Palestinian children confiscated by Israeli forces

Israel’s military confiscated and continues to withhold from families and relatives the bodies of 35 Palestinian children killed in the occupied territory since 2016, a child rights group said.

In violation of international humanitarian and human rights law, Israeli authorities continue to hold the remains of slain Palestinian children in what grieving families see as an act of “collective punishment”, Defense for Children International – Palestine said.

The latest body of a child taken by Israeli forces was that of 16-year-old Shadi Wissam Mohammad Shiha, who was killed by Israeli sniper fire on Tuesday night in the village of Anata, northeast of Jerusalem, while closing up his family-owned car wash.

“Palestinian children cannot rest even in death as Israeli authorities continue confiscating children’s bodies and withholding them from their families indefinitely,” the organisation said in a statement.