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Settlers attack occupied West Bank village

Footage posted online, and verified by Al Jazeera, shows Israeli settlers setting fire to a vehicle during an attack on the village of Jit, east of the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya.

Meanwhile, according to Israel’s GLZ Radio, citing a security source, some 100 Israelis entered Jit, setting ablaze homes and vehicles, while also throwing stones and Molotov cocktails.

One Palestinian killed, one critically wounded in West Bank settler attack

One Palestinian has been killed and one critically injured as Israeli settlers opened fire on the village of Jit, east of the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya. The Palestinian Ministry of Health said both were taken to the Rafidia Surgical Hospital in Nablus, Palestine’s Wafa news agency reported.

The chairman of Israel’s Labor party, Yair Golan, said in a post on X that “Messianic Jewish terrorism is determined to ignite the territory and force a difficult and unnecessary regional campaign on Israel.”

At least 11 Palestinians injured by settlers in occupied West Bank attacks

We now have more updates for you on the Israeli settler attack in the village of Jit, east of Qalqiya. According to the Palestine Red Crescent Society, at least 11 Palestinians were injured in Jit and in the town of Huwara in Nablus, by both Israeli settlers and Israeli soldiers, who were reportedly protecting the settlers.

The IDF continuously backing Settler attacks has led to this. I guess a gang of 100 is too much exposure.

Israel’s president condemns settler attack on West Bank village

Israeli President Isaac Herzog has condemned the storming of the village of Jit, in the occupied West Bank, saying it harmed the “name and position of Israel in the world during a particularly sensitive and difficult period”.

Masked settlers torched homes and opened fire on Palestinians, according to Israeli and Palestinian media, killing at least one person and severely injuring one other. “This is not our way and certainly not the way of Torah and Judaism,” Herzog said, calling for law enforcement officials to act against the perpetrators.

Herzog added that the attack had been carried out by an extreme minority that “harms the law-abiding settler population and the settlement as a whole”.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, deemed illegal under international law, are often cited as the main barrier to any lasting peace with Palestinians under a two-state solution.

Law-abiding settler population, there's an oxymoron.

Netanyahu condemns attack in occupied West Bank village

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office says the prime minister views the violence in Jit with the “utmost severity”.

“It is the [Israeli military] and the security forces that fight terrorism, and nobody else. Those responsible for any offence will be apprehended and tried,” his office posted on X.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, one Palestinian has been killed as Israeli settlers opened fire in the village, east of the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya.

Is pressure starting to work, one too many?

OCHA reported, from 1 January to 19 September 2023, Israeli settlers and forces killed 189 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and wounded 8,192.

It's a regular occurrence, back in April

State-backed deadly rampage by Israeli settlers underscores urgent need to dismantle apartheid

Between 12 and 16 April hundreds of Israeli settlers went on a deadly rampage launching violent raids on Palestinian villages in the West Bank including in al-Mughayyir, Duma, Deir Dibwan, Beitin and Aqraba. In these attacks, in which settlers set fire to homes, trees and vehicles, at least four Palestinians were killed by either settlers or Israeli forces, including 17-year-old boy Omar Hamed near Ramallah, and two men shot dead near Nablus– Abdulrahman Bani Fadel and Mohammed Bani Jami’. In the latest violence, a Palestinian paramedic was shot dead in the village of al-Sawiya south of Nablus on 20 April. 

Videos verified by Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab show Israeli forces were present and failed to intervene during attacks by settlers in Deir Dibwan, east of Ramallah. Witness testimonies gathered by the organization also indicate members of the Israeli military either joined in the attacks or stood by, failing to prevent the violence in Aqraba, southeast of Nablus and Kufr Malik, northeast of Ramallah.

Israeli army says one arrested as investigation opened into settler attack in Jit

The Israeli military says one person has been detained in connection with the settler rampage in the Palestinian village of Jit, in the occupied West Bank.

“The Israeli army condemns events of this type as well as the rioters, who harm security, law and order, and divert the Israeli army and the security forces from their main mission of thwarting terrorism and protecting the security of the residents,” the military said.

It added that it launched a joint investigation with the police and internal security service, the Shin Bet, into the death of one person. It said its officers used riot dispersal means, including live fire in to the air, to force the Israelis out of the village.