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New settlement on UNESCO site shows Israel’s low regard for international law

Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is flexing his muscles, telling the world that he cares very, very little about international law.

On the ground, what Smotrich is doing is taking over Palestinian land and this latest announcement basically devours what’s left of the land in the Bethlehem area, which has shrunk to nearly 10 percent of its original size. This is because of the expanding illegal settlements and the wall which basically surrounds Bethlehem from all areas.

This latest announcement is situated not just in any UNESCO World Heritage Site, but also in a place where its the only place left for agriculture, for picnics, planning and building. That is the only place left in the Bethlehem area, and now it’s all under attack.

This is from 2020, hence the reference to Trump

‘I want Battir to go to hell’: Settlers move in on Palestinian World Heritage site

Khaled Muammar explains that the area is strategically important for the settlement enterprise in the West Bank. “They want to take over this area for three reasons: first of all, because of its elevation; it overlooks the region. Secondly, it separates [Battir from] al-Walajeh; settling there creates a wedge between two Palestinian villages. And thirdly, because it creates geographical continuity between [the Israeli settlement] Har Homa and Jerusalem.”

Dror Etkes, one of Israel’s foremost experts on the settlements and the head of Kerem Navot, an organization that monitors and researches Israeli land policy in the West Bank, believes the settlers’ arrival in Battir at the end of June is not a coincidence. “Why? Because of the Trump plan,” he explains. “This area, according to the plan, is supposed to be Palestinian territory. They want to take over the area now, before the government signals that it is going to accept the plan. To create facts on the ground.”

Israeli attack wounds several Palestinians in occupied West Bank

Several people have been wounded in an Israeli raid in the town of Khader south of Bethlehem, the Wafa news agency is reporting, citing the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS).

According to PRCS, one person was shot in the back, while another was hit by a tear gas canister. One girl had her hand injured after a sound bomb went off. Earlier, we reported that at least five people were killed by Israeli forces in an attack in the Tubas governorate this morning.

At least four wounded in Israeli raid near Bethlehem

According to the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), several people were injured or treated for tear gas inhalation when Israeli soldiers raided the town of al-Khader, south of Bethlehem.

The PRCS said that Israeli forces used rubber-coated steel bullets, stun grenades and tear gas. A young man was physically assaulted by Israeli soldiers and was taken to hospital.

Israeli forces also detained a 57-year-old man after raiding his house and assaulting his wife and two children, the Wafa news agency reported.