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Israeli army runs over Palestinian, 4 shot and injured during West Bank raids

The five people were injured during predawn military raids in the cities of Ramallah and el-Bireh in the occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency reports.

Israeli forces stormed the at-Tira area in Ramallah and the Umm ash-Sharayet neighbourhood in el-Bireh where they raided the homes of Palestinian prisoners and demolished two apartments with explosives, Wafa reports.

Four people were shot during the Ramallah raid, including a young Palestinian man who was hit in the back and is in serious condition. The Palestine Red Crescent Society told Wafa that a young man was also seriously wounded in the chest, while another was shot in the foot. A 31-year-old man was run also over by an Israeli military vehicle.

Earlier on Monday night, an 18-year-old was shot and killed in the town of Azzun, located to the east of Qalqilya city. Wafa reports that Israeli forces took away the teenager’s body.

Other overnight Israeli operations included:

  • a Palestinian man arrested in Nablus city following a raid on his home
  • a brother and sister arrested following a raid in Haris village, northwest of Salfit city
  • raids on the Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron
  • storming of the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit
  • a raid on Nilin town, west of Ramallah
  • a raid on Talfit village, south of Nablus

Palestinian dies of bullet wounds following Israeli military raid in West Bank

A young Palestinian man has died after being shot by Israeli forces during raids in the occupied West Bank cities of Ramallah and el-Bireh.

We reported earlier that four people were shot and a fifth was run over by an Israeli military vehicle during the predawn raids, which were carried out as Israeli forces stormed neighbourhoods in the nearby cities to locate and demolish the homes of Palestinian prisoners.

The Wafa news agency identified the victim as Moataz Sarsour, a resident of the Am’ari refugee camp, which is located in the Ramallah and el-Bireh areas. Shot in the chest, Sarsour died of his injuries at the Palestine Medical Complex, Wafa reports.

Wafa did not provide further details on the condition of the three other gunshot victims or the young man hit by the Israeli army vehicle.

Israeli forces blow up occupied West Bank homes of detained prisoners

Palestinians inspect the interior of a destroyed apartment in Ramallah after Israeli soldiers raided the occupied West Bank city, and the nearby el-Bireh, and used explosives to blow up the homes of two Palestinian prisoners on August 13

The apartment in Ramallah is now unliveable due to the damage inflicted by the Israeli forces

Israeli army says it destroyed Ramallah homes of prisoners

The military has confirmed it destroyed the homes of two Palestinian prisoners, who, it claimed, took part in a shooting that killed two people.

Soldiers destroyed the homes in Ramallah, saying that the owners carried out the January 7 shooting attack at the British Police intersection in the occupied West Bank, an army statement said. In addition, troops arrested 10 wanted suspects and interrogated dozens, it added.

Palestinian news agency Wafa reported earlier that the Israeli forces raided two residential buildings in the cities of Ramallah and el-Bireh, before blowing them up.

Hundreds of Palestinians missing in the occupied West Bank

On top of the hundreds of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank since October 7, there are hundreds more in Israeli custody whose fate remains unknown.

The uncertainty is crippling for their relatives, who agonise over whether their loved ones are alive or dead. “Deprived of burial rituals of their dead or visitation rights if they’re alive, families say this confusion is intentional and part of a collective punishment,” reports Al Jazeera’s Nida Ibrahim.

‘Israel feels it has impunity in West Bank’

While the world’s focus stays on the Gaza war, Israel is intensifying violent raids in the occupied West Bank and attempting to shift the “status quo” of East Jerusalem, including Al-Aqsa Mosque, to its advantage, says Hassan Barari, a professor of international affairs at Qatar University.

“The international community is either complicit or indifferent to what is happening in the West Bank and East Jerusalem,” Barari told Al Jazeera, noting that Western leaders issue empty condemnations with little action.

“Israel feels it has impunity to do whatever it wants in the West Bank.”

Twenty arrested in latest West Bank raids

Israeli forces have rounded up 20 Palestinians, including a child and several former prisoners, in the occupied West Bank since last night, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society.

During the arrests, the soldiers also broke into the detainees’ homes and “vandalised” them, according to the group.

Since October 7, Israeli forces have made more than 10,000 arrests during their near-daily raids in the West Bank.

Residents of at-Tawani say latest settler raid was largest ever

We’ve been speaking to people in the village of at-Tawani village, and while they say they’ve been getting used to Israeli settlers storming their village under different pretexts – including performing religious rituals – they say that today was by far the largest number of settlers storming their village.

They came in with buses, responding to calls on social media to perform these religious rituals. It’s not the only location in the occupied West Bank where we’ve been seeing Israeli settlers coming in and storming in large numbers.

This is an occupied territory already; the existence of the Israeli military under international law is considered an occupation. But then you will see these Israeli settlers coming in, and Palestinians would tell you that the reason is clear; they want to lay claim to the land.

We’ve been seeing that in various other locations, mainly in Joseph’s Tomb area in Nablus, north of the occupied West Bank, where we see Israeli settlers storming this location various times. We’re talking about once every couple of weeks, under the protection of the Israeli army.