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zeldaring said:

Have you ever thought why hundreds of people say you're wrong.. well because you are ?

Feel free to showcase evidence where this statement is even remotely factual.

zeldaring said:

There is much bigger world then the 3-4 people in this forum that agree with you and they mostly agree with me but i'm more open minded and understand it's subjective.

If the previous forum you linked to in a previous thread is your rebuttal, then it's a silly one.

They didn't even reach a consensus and agree with you.

zeldaring said:

Maybe stop trying to be the police of graphics discussion, and stating your opinion as fact?

This is a baseless assertion. Not once have I stated (In-fact I have done the opposite) that I am an authority on any topic.
Feel free to provide evidence to the contrary though.

zeldaring said:

You are not a super computer which knows which games is techically is more demanding on a hardware.

This claim is stupid. I am not a piece of technology, I am a human being which is orders-of-magnitude more complex... But like always, feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.

And I -do- know which games are technically more demanding on hardware. 

1) I have every single console starting from the 4th gen onwards.
2) I have high-end, mid-range and low-end PC's.
3) I can compare them all like-for-like in real time.
4) I have a better understanding of low-level hardware than you, considering I have -designed- and -built- microprocessors. - But again, I don't pretend I am an authority on the topic, there is much I don't know.

zeldaring said:

This has been stated time and time again by developers but you continue to ignore it.

Correct. And I have provided evidence from developers prior, which you ignored.

zeldaring said:

Just a simple example how the do you compare something like BOTW and zelda link awaking you can't just look at one and say one is more demanding then the other as fact.

Actually I can.
When you look at Links Awakening you can literally see it leveraging more graphics effects concurrently.
Links Awakening tends to suffer from low levels of performance due to said effects.

And when it comes to emulation, Breath of the Wild is easier to emulate because it's a simpler game, graphically.


zeldaring said:

you name all these graphical tech in game but just a game going for a high rosolution, detail and npc's on screen can be more demanding and over load the GPU.

I am not the crazy one here who thinks a 6 year old game like Red Dead Redemption 2 has better graphics than an Unreal Engine 5.4 game like Hellblade 2... Which is the same technology that Black Myths - Wukong is using which you claim is "next gen".

Do you not see how silly your reasoning has been thus far?

Please think about it a little bit longer before you try another reply. Please. For everyone's sake.

zeldaring said:

how about we compare GTA6 vs hell blade 2 i know your gonna tell me that hell balde is more technically impressive right?

1) I have never made the stupid claim that Hellblade 2 is more technically impressive than GTA6.
2) GTA6 isn't out yet and thus cannot be used for comparison.

But feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.

But might I suggest you -stop- making baseless assertions of apparent statements I have actually never made? It may assist in building your own credibility.

zeldaring said:

try to see things from other POV instead of yours, where you only care what rendering methods its using.

There is no "our". You are solo outlier in this discussion as everyone has raised points of contention that contradicts your own ideas.

zeldaring said:

I Could also add neogaf and RDR 2 also wins as best looking ever there. it's also much smaller now compared to resetera now, so is gamespot for that matter. Feel free to bring up any forum which has the question which is the best looking game ever currently. alos found this and on reddit with everyone agreeing it's still the best looking game.

Evidence please.

zeldaring said:

You have misconstrued this reddit threads intentions... I.E You lack any real understanding of it's context.
The poster never asserted that Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best looking game of all time.

The poster stated that it is "better looking than most video games". - NOTE THE WORD "MOST".
Which is factually accurate... MobyGames video game database currently has 283,180 video games in it's database... And majority of those games released before Red-Dead Redemption 2. We are talking games released in the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's and 2010's.

Obviously a newer AAA game will out-class all previous games graphically when it releases.

But I challenge you to keep trying, you might find a website, person or random link that agrees with you, somewhere. Maybe. - But please provide it so I can mock that as well...

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--