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Israeli list of fighters killed in Gaza City contains misinformation, Palestinian sources say

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic, citing Palestinian sources, are reporting that the list of 19 fighters that Israel claimed were targeted in the attack on al-Tabin School carried misinformation.

Two of the men were in fact killed days before the attack in other areas of the Gaza Strip, the sources said.

They are Montaser Dahir, who was killed along with his sister in his apartment a day before the school attack and Youssef al-Wadiya, who was killed two days before in a different location, they said.

Another man on the list – Mohammed al-Taif – was an academic and a former school principal and was not involved in any military activity, they added.

The Palestinian Quds News Network also reported that the list was “full of misinformation” and said “more than half of those listed were not involved in any political or military activities”.

It's all lies, can't trust anything the IDF and Israel claim, nor the US for that matter.

Horrific testimonies unfold over Israel’s massacre in Gaza City

The extent of the brutality of the attacks on al-Tabin School in Gaza City keeps unfolding with more horrific testimonies.

These are either from the medical staff at al-Ahli Arab Hospital (Baptist Hospital), who were treating the wounded and dealing with a huge influx of injuries arriving, or from the civil defence crews who were at the bombsite after receiving the news of the strikes.

There are stories of remaining family members still searching for their missing children in the attack, who somehow evaporated with no signs of them any more.

The medical staff would describe injuries arriving at the hospital, and admitted right away to the operating theatre for surgeries, removing flesh and bones of other bodies.

They say they had to remove other people’s body parts shredded into pieces and stuck to these wounded people that needed to be operated.

A man carries the body of a family member following an Israeli strike on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza City

Australia condemns Israeli raid on school sheltering displaced Palestinians

Australia has joined the international community in condemning the deaths of more than 100 civilians in an Israeli bombing of a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza City.

“Innocent Palestinians cannot continue to pay the price of defeating Hamas,” Foreign Minister Penny Wong said in a post on X, calling for an “immediate” ceasefire in the besieged enclave.

“Australia condemns the deaths of civilians from Israel’s strike on al-Tabeen School. Israel must comply with international humanitarian law,” Wong said. Dozens were also injured as an Israeli aircraft targeted Palestinians performing dawn prayers at the school in the city’s Daraj neighbourhood.

So stop your arms trade with Israel, impose sanctions.

Germany’s Scholz says it’s time to finalise truce deal

Many military objectives in Israel’s fight against Hamas have been achieved while civilian casualties and human suffering in Gaza are enormous, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a phone conversation, according to a German government statement.

The statement said Scholz told the Israeli leader it is important to break the destructive spiral of violence in the Middle East.

“An end to the war in Gaza would be a decisive step towards a regional de-escalation,” it said. Scholz also told Netanyahu it is time to finalise an agreement on the release of captives and a ceasefire in Gaza.

Killing sheltering civilians ‘unacceptable’: Germany

“The reports from Gaza are terrible. Civilians seeking shelter getting killed is unacceptable,” it said, adding that the repeated attacks on schools by the Israeli army must stop and be investigated quickly.

“The suffering of women, men and many children seeking protection, who have been fleeing the fights in Gaza for months, is immeasurable. They must not get in the crossfire any longer. Hamas must stop abusing them as protective shields,” it said.

There is no evidence yet Hamas fighters have used civilians as human shields in the ongoing war.

It's time for you to stop supporting genocide and stop spreading misinformation / making excuses for the IDF.