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I still try to aim for half an hour a day at least, yet most days I now skip gaming altogether. By the time I get time alone to enjoy a game it's usually too late (past 11pm) and I'm too tired to pay attention to a game. So I'll say I'm down to 2 hours a week.

It's different priorities I guess. I used to spend up to 13 hours on weekend days on GT Sport and similar on FS2020. Yet that 'golden age', basically a revival of my time with Everquest and WoW was on Covid lockdowns and back problems.

This was my last great and epic time sink

322 days, 323 legs (crossed the date line) 321,741 NM traveled with 7146 stops. Total flight time 2589:52 avg 124.2 knots.
243 countries, sovereign territories and island nations visited.

That averages to 8 hours a day, although not all attended. (Auto pilot and do something else for the ocean stretches) I moved my waking hours around according to which part of the world I was exploring (with real time and weather). Getting actual jet lag lol.

My GT Sport stats come to avg 3.26 hours per day. Boosted by months long home with a back injury where all I could do was online races to take my mind off the pain. (The avg is actually low balling it, not including time in menus and waiting for online races to start, all driving time)

However long gone are the days where I worked, came home, played Everquest from 7PM to 3AM and back to work again.

I hope to be able to make more time again in winter and after back to school. Kids back to bed at a more reasonable time, earlier dark, less work and activities outside. When it's nice out, I just don't feel like sitting inside and playing video games. Plus I have a pool to maintain, gardens, grass, love to go for a run, swim, cycling, reading a book in the sun. Gaming comes last in summer and often gets squeezed out.

It's fine, I'm in much better shape than in my 20s, can run 15K in a bit over an hour, swim a mile in my pool several time a week. Cleared out a new area along the river bank to plant more trees, removed a lot of non native (and other) invasive plants, removed dead/dying trees. (Got a bit over an acre of grounds to maintain) It's all more rewarding than Minecraft etc.

But I never get a game finished anymore, even though I play much shorter VR games nowadays. I can't even imagine starting a long RPG nowadays.