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LegitHyperbole said:
S.Peelman said:

No. I don’t. You say you play 14 hours a week, I doubt I played 14 hours all year.

While I literally don’t have much time in general, I also just don’t make the time to play a game anymore either. I just don’t feel compelled to and I have better things to do, things I would get more joy out of. Gaming has degraded to be the thing I’d do as a last resort, the thing I would only do when I’m so bored I can’t think of anything else to do anymore at all. And that rarely to never happens.

That's a pity. I don't think games have degraded though, you just need to look hard enough cause there are gems and games that'll replicate any genre you liked in the past and do it better. For example, Like Strider? Try The Messanger. Liked Doom/quake. Try Prodeus or Dusk. Liked CRPG's, Try Divinity Original Sin or Baldaurs gate 3. They take the genres, modernise them and often do them better. There has been no better time in history to game, I feel like you're making an excuse cause your jaded or depressed. At least try man, gaming is a hobby for life, you don't grow seperate from it unless you give up entirely on yourself. 

This is of course complete bollocks. A laughably ignorant post. I am neither jaded nor depressed and definitely not making excuses (for what actually?). On the contrary, I am in a pretty good place right now. Like I said I barely have time regardless and though for me it has been on a downwards slope for years now, this might even be why I don’t feel the need to play a video game in the time I actually have. As such ‘gaming’ might definitely not be a “hobby for life”. We’ll see. People can be happy without playing video games you know. I might as well tell you that there is life outside of video games.

Besides, I didn’t even necessarily mean ‘degraded’ as you took it. I meant ‘degraded in my personal ranking of priorities’. So gaming used to be one of my main things to do with my free time, but now, there’s a whole bunch of other things, hobbies or otherwise, I’d rather be doing, and gaming has ‘degraded’ to a pretty low rank.