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LegitHyperbole said:
DroidKnight said:

The amount of time I have to game is always in flux. I can go days even weeks without being able to game, but then I can game on a weekend pretty much non-stop and put in over 20 hours. If it's a 3-day weekend then I can easily break 30 hours.

For this year (221 days in), I have logged 395 hours of gaming time. That represents 7.45% of the year so far was spent in a virtual world. Averaged out per day it comes out to 1.79 hours a day. Broken down into days, it comes out to 16.5 full days of this year spent in fantasy.

I work 10 hour days (Mon.-Fri.), also part-time online classes audio engineering (past 3 years and ongoing), sleep about 3-5 hours a day (can't sleep longer, I'm wide awake instantly no alarm clocks). Some how I'm still able to fit in cooking exquisite meals, house cleaning, other chores, exercise daily, once every 6 weeks a 300 mile trip to visit family members. I limit my TV intake to less than 100 minutes a day (average) and its usually while multi-tasking. When I go to bed I read college text books for an hour for education and to help shut down my brain for sleep.

Nice detailed breakdown down. Is there an app you can use to quantify this? I'd really like those stats accurately and I don't trust my math. I think mine might be a ways off to, averaging doesn't work. I was able to get 22 hours this week so far but only 15 last week so I feel my 2 hour a day average doesn't represent my gaming time very well. All I know is I'm up to 480 hours (give or take 10 hours) since Mid Febuary when I started Hardcore gaming again. Can you give me stats on that? 

This weekend I plan to fo nothing else but game and finish the games I have in rotation. I'm getting more hardcore as the year progresses. 

I wish.  Sad to say, I track tons of useless information by hand on columnar spreadsheet pads, then type them up for archives. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.