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Kamala Harris to pro-Palestine protesters: ‘Now is the time for ceasefire’

US Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris addressed her stance on a Gaza ceasefire last night, after pro-Palestine protesters broke into her speech with chants of “free, free Palestine”.

Speaking to the protesters in Arizona, Harris said: “I have been clear: now is the time to get a ceasefire deal and get the hostage deal done.”

She added: “The president and I are working around the clock every day to get that ceasefire deal done and bring the hostages home. So, I respect your voices, but we are here to now talk about this race in 2024.”

This was Harris’s second back-and-forth with pro-Palestine protesters during a campaign event in days. During a Wednesday rally in Michigan, Harris appeared to get frustrated after protesters repeatedly interrupted her speech, yelling “We won’t vote for genocide”.

Harris eventually responded: “You know what, if you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking.”

Is it the time for ceasefire or the time to shut up and campaign...

So far since trying to restart ceasefire negotiations, US moves more military to the ME, CENTCOM collaborates more closely with Israel, Biden admin scraps proposed sanctions against Settler war criminals, US expedites another 3.5 billion in military aid to Israel, Israel ramps up the bombing campaign systematically targeting schools.

All actions say, it is time for more genocidal massacres and atrocities.

Egypt denounces Gaza school attack, says Israel has ‘no will’ to end war

Egypt’s Foreign Ministry has fiercely condemned the Israeli military attack on Gaza City’s al-Tabin school, saying it shows Israel has no “political will” to end the war.

In a statement cited by the state-run Middle East News Agency, the Foreign Ministry accused Israel of repeatedly committing “large-scale crimes” against “unarmed civilians” whenever there is an international push for a ceasefire.

It said such attacks reflect “an unprecedented disregard” for international law.

Egypt, along with Qatar and the US, is helping to mediate planned ceasefire talks scheduled for August 15.


Israel’s massacres part of Netanyahu’s game to undermine ceasefire chances: Analyst

Hassan Barari, professor of international affairs at Qatar University, has told Al Jazeera that mass casualty attacks by the Israeli army, such as this morning’s killing of more than 100 people at al-Tabin School in Gaza City, must be looked at in the context of Israeli domestic politics and ceasefire talks.

“Just yesterday, [Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel] Smotrich said that going to Doha or Cairo is a kind of capitulation and that Israel should not go and conduct negotiations over a ceasefire”, Barari said. “So PM Netayhahu is trying to appease those right-wing people in his own government.”

This week, mediators Qatar, Egypt and the US released a joint statement urging strongly for the resumption of ceasefire talks, which put Israel and Netanyahu under pressure.

But, Barari continued, Netanyahu himself does not want a ceasefire, and takes every chance he can to undermine talks.

By killing so many Palestinians in incidents like the al-Tabin attack, Netanyahu is trying to push Hamas to be more stubborn to justify his statements that the Palestinian group is unwilling to negotiate, Barari explained.

“It is part of a game: Every time we have [hopes of a] ceasefire, the Israelis will commit some kind of atrocity and that will undermine the talks.