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Now is the time for Biden and Sullivan to wake the fuck up, Ukraine has once again proven Russia's redlines to be bullshit and they've done so in the most bold and dramatic fashion, they've straight up invaded Russia with their Armed Forces and what has Russia done? How have Russia escalated? I don't see Russia lobbing nukes, I don't see Russia bombing NATO, I see a bunch of headless chickens struggling to get the situation under control like they did when Prigozhin marched on Moscow, what did Putin do? Did he escalate and blow Prigozhin into the sky? No, he fucking fled Moscow to St Petersburg and then negotiated with the dude that marched on his capital and would have reached it with ease, it's irrelevant what he did after, he fucking cowardly shot him out the sky after everything quieted down but in the moment, Russia was paralysed.

Please fucking tell me how American missiles used on Russian territory against military jets is more "escalatory" in America's mind than Ukraine invading Russia using western vehicles, a Ukraine army powered up by the West is taking territory of Russia and Russia has not escalated at all. Now would be the perfect time to lift the ban and let Ukraine pull up the HIMARS and ATACMS and use them to blow the fucking shit out of Russian positions, aircraft, etc. Now would be the time to allow Ukraine to pull up a Patriot and blow out the sky any aircraft, do it now before Russia manages to get their shit together and push Ukraine back out because Russia has once again shown that they're all talk.

Stop being fucking cowards Biden and Sullivan.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 August 2024