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Houthis to work with ‘Axis of Resistance’ members

Yemen’s Houthis will coordinate with other members of the “Axis of Resistance” in any joint operation, the group’s leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi says, using the name that Iran and its regional allies use for groups aligned with Tehran.

He said any decision to respond to Israeli attacks would be made by the axis as a whole.

New security incident off the coast of Yemen

The British agency United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) is reporting a new security incident some 45 nautical miles (83km) south of Mukha (Mocha) in Yemen.

The Houthis in Yemen claimed a separate attack on Wednesday, when the Iran-allied group said it targeted a commercial ship and two US warships.

The US and the UK are conducting an air strike campaign against the Houthis in response to their attacks on shipping lanes surrounding Yemen, which the Houthis say is in support of Palestinians in Gaza.

Ship targeted with RPG by men on fast boats: UKMTO

The British maritime security agency reports that the ship that was targeted off the coast of Yemen was attacked by eight people aboard two small boats, who fired an RPG, leading to an explosion near the vessel.

“The vessel and crew are safe,” according to UKMTO, citing the master of the unnamed ship.