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Another night of Israeli military, settler violence in the occupied West Bank

Two Palestinians were shot by Israeli forces following a raid on Qalqilya, including one who was shot in the back and seriously injured, the Wafa news agency reports. The second injured person was hit in the legs and sustained moderate wounds, the news agency said.

Five people, including two children, were also injured by Israeli gunfire during clashes in the Askar refugee camp, located to the east of Nablus. The injured included a 15-year-old a 13-year-old, Wafa reports.

Israeli settlers attacked and injured a young Palestinian woman who was hit in the head with stones north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency also reports. The victim, identified as Tasneem Faraj, was set upon by settlers while travelling on a road near the illegal Beit El settlement. Wafa reports that she was taken to hospital for treatment.

The Israeli military also stormed the following towns and cities:

  • Surif town, northwest of Hebron.
  • Tulkarem city and the Shuweika suburb.
  • Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus.
  • Al-Khader town, south of Bethlehem.
  • Clashes and arrests were also reported in Husan village, west of Bethlehem.
  • Israeli soldiers stormed the Yabous Cultural Centre in occupied East Jerusalem to prevent the screening of short films about Israel’s war on Gaza. The centre, in cooperation with Filmlab Palestine, was slated to screen 22 films titled, Gaza’s Untold Stories, from Ground Zero.

Number of Palestinians displaced in West Bank doubles: UN

The UN’s humanitarian agency (OCHA) said the number of Palestinians displaced in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has more than doubled since October 7 compared with the preceding 10 months.

Some 3,070 Palestinians have been forced from their homes due to demolitions, Israeli settler violence and land confiscations in the past 10 months, compared with 1,252 in the previous period, OCHA said.

The agency added that some 181,000 people in the West Bank have been impacted at least once by demolitions, destruction of roads, water and sanitation facilities, and other public infrastructure since October 7, mainly during Israeli military raids in Tulkarem and Jenin.

Israeli rights group releases video clips of settler attacks in occupied West Bank

Yesh Din, which works on rights issues in the occupied territory, said the footage shows Israeli settlers attacking a Palestinian home with rocks and setting fire to a seating area in front of a Palestinian home. In a second clip, cars are set alight in a car park in the Palestinian village of Yatma, located south of Nablus.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in the seven days up to Monday this week, Israeli settlers carried out 27 attacks against Palestinians in the occupied territory resulting in 17 people injured, including two children, and damage to property.

Since October 7 and this week, the UN has recorded 1,143 settler attacks on Palestinians, including 114 that led to death and injuries, and 964 cases of property damage. Settler violence has also displaced about 1,500 Palestinians, including 720 children, the UN said.

Israeli forces blow up home of slain Palestinian in occupied West Bank

Soldiers stormed the town of Dura at dawn, located south of Hebron, and surrounded the home of the late Moamen Fayez al-Masalma, who was shot dead by Israeli forces in April, the Wafa news agency reports.

Forcing those inside the house to leave, the Israelis planted explosives on the building’s interior walls and the detonation destroyed the house. A vehicle owned by a local Palestinian was also destroyed during the raid on the town, Wafa said.

Demolishing the homes of Palestinians suspected of carrying out attacks on Israelis is a long-held practice of the military, which human rights groups say is a policy of “collective punishment” that may amount to war crimes.

According to the UN, Israel’s policy of demolishing Palestinian homes, basic infrastructure and sources of livelihood has had devastating consequences for Palestinian families and communities.

Israeli raids continue on occupied West Bank villages

Palestinian news agency Wafa is reporting a number of operations by Israeli security forces around the West Bank.

Here is an overview of the recent Israeli army raids:

  • Israeli forces arrested a young man from the Sateh Marhaba neighbourhood in el-Bireh, near Ramallah.
  • Also near Ramallah, soldiers stormed the town of Turmus Aya, but no arrests were reported.
  • Near the Jenin refugee camp, Israeli forces stormed the villages of Silat al-Harithiya, Rummanah, Zabuba, Ti’innik, Taybeh, and Anin and Jalbun.
  • Wafa reported that in the Jenin governorate raids, soldiers carried out extensive search operations, driving their vehicles through the streets of the villages and deploying soldiers. No arrests were reported, however.