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LegitHyperbole said:
Pemalite said:


Public/Universal health care/hybrid systems tend to cost less and provide better quality care for the taxpayer than systems like the USA use.

Yes. I know and I love it, we have a hybrid system here. However if we had a defence budget and the US wasn't there to back us up with their immense military spening, how would we? Can you elaborate on yes, we are very highly taxed as is. 

You may pay more on tax, but you pay less overall. Universal health care systems have been empirically proven to be cheaper per-person.
The reason for that it is not profit driven like the USA with high insurance costs, Government can operate it with significantly lower margins.

If we look at this chart, the USA is spending almost 3x as much per person than my own nation. And we still have better quality care.
To put that into GDP perspectives that would be 16.9% of GDP verses our 9.3% on GDP spent on healthcare.
And yes. We still have better quality care.

And if we look at this chart which is military spending per capita, Australia still ranks near the top... So it stands to reason that not only can we afford good healthcare, but also spend on our military.

Now the reason I am using per-capita numbers rather than whole numbers is it gives a little bit more of a breakdown of the financial burden per-person... And allows for the population differentials between nations to be irrelevant.

But even if we ignore that... Australia is still outspending many nations on it's military and is able to almost equal Italy which has more than twice the population.

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