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UPD: From NSC John Kirby about the events in the Kursk region: "I'll let the Ukrainians speak to their operations, one way or the other, that's most appropriate. So I would refer you to the Ukrainian Armed Forces to speak to what they're doing. We're going to stay focused on making sure they have what they need to defend themselves. ... I would add that we would be reaching out to our Ukrainian counterparts to get a little bit better understanding."

“Ultimately, the decisions about how Ukraine conducts its military operations are decisions that Ukraine makes,” DoS Spox tells me

“I have seen the statements from the Russian government is a little bit rich - them calling up to the provocation given Russia violated Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty, you said, 900 days, and actually goes back much longer. That goes back to 2014 and continues to illegally occupy Ukrainian territory. Ultimately, the decisions about how Ukraine conducts its military operations are decisions that Ukraine makes.”

"It's not unusual for the Ukrainians not to notify us that their exact tactics before, before they execute them. It's a war that they they're conducting. We provide them with equipment. We provide them with advice, but when it comes to the kind of day by day tactics that they carry out, strikes that they take, sometimes more communications about them, sometimes we're not. It's appropriate for them to make those decisions"