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Chrkeller said:
Ryuu96 said:

It is a lie...Come on man. You straight up said that the NHS was terrible for anything more complex than a cold/flu...Do you even realise how utterly ridiculous that sounds? My own various experiences show that is a bold faced lie too. I'm not even denying that the NHS has problems with waiting times in some cases, but that doesn't mean all cases. You're generalising the NHS with a ridiculously broad brush and talking mad shit about it in extreme examples (cold/flu) to talk up private healthcare.

I'm sorry about how you felt treated by your doctor, I'd suggest trying to switch doctors, I'm sorry for your daughter that the wait time is 6 months but you have the ability to go private and millions do not. I'm not taking issue with people complaining about NHS wait times, I'm taking issue with a rich person complaining about NHS wait times who has the ability to hop over to private (private still exists in the UK).

Why is it a bad thing that we have both public healthcare and also a private option?

P.S. Sorry about your daughter, if she has what I have then I'd be willing to talk to you about it if it can help.

Just to be clear, I have Scoliosis, happy to admit that if I can help someone else with it.

I just really dislike the extreme generalisation that NHS is terrible for anything above colds/flus.

It isn't a lie.  It was awful.  I've lived in both the US and UK.  Being told "wait 6 months, hope she doesn't become deformed" was awful.

If isn't a lie.  It is real life 100% factual first hand experience.

My experience is my experience.  You can't call my experience a lie.  That is wrong and you know it.  

Hopefully bracing keeps her problem at bay and it doesn't get worse.  It shouldn't, given her age.  

If your experience was better, that is great.  But have you noted I'm not disrespectful about your experience?  Meanwhile you are calling me lair.  Give that some thought.  

And thank you for the offer, I will bear it in mind if it gets worse.  

I'm not saying your experience is a lie, I'm saying your generalisation is a lie. You have a real-life factual first-hand experience and I never refuted that, I said that the generalisation that NHS is terrible for anything more complex than a "head cold and flu shot" is a lie...You honestly can't believe that, I don't know how you could believe that, if this was true, the NHS wouldn't even exist, it would collapse overnight. Can you not even see how extreme that example is? Can you not see why I take issue with it?

And I'll say again, millions of people simply cannot afford private, so they'd much rather NHS issues fixed. You can afford private. Aside from your extreme criticism, you speak from a position of privilege. You was told you have to wait 6 months so you said "fuck that" and went private...Cause the option is still there...To millions though, the option of going private is simply not an option for financial reasons...And for millions of people, they have positive experiences with the NHS.

So I ask again, why is having a public system but also the option of private, a bad thing? 


I had a body brace too, at that age they tend to monitor, some cases won't require treatment at all and the rate of growth tends to be slow, body braces will usually fix the majority of cases that require treatment, I was just really unlucky and fuck all worked, Lol. The odds are very much in your kids favour though. I actually started off in one hospital for the brace and then got moved to a different one about an hour away from home

Your daughter will hopefully be fine, like I said, the odds are in her favour, I was REALLY unlucky.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 August 2024