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Tober said:
Ryuu96 said:


It's a touching story. Thanks for sharing. Sorry for you and your family to had to go through this.

Lol. Thanks, I don't like exposing too much information on myself but my experiences have made me really defensive of the NHS I know it has its issues but a lot of these issues stemmed from the Tories rule. If I made $1bn, I would donate $500m to the NHS if I could, Lol. Without the NHS I'd likely be a cripple or my family would be drowning in debt, the British public and the NHS "saved my life"

I don't really look back at my time and think too negatively about it, I feel most sorry for my parents, I saw how much it was destroying them, as for me, I was a kid, I can remember the procedures, I can remember the pain but it doesn't really bother me now, I got used to it. Honestly, I feel like the positive memories are stronger than the negative ones, the bonding between my family, the film nights, making friends with bed neighbours, the amazing and compassionate nursing team, I remember many of their names.

I was in and out of hospital for my surgery a couple months ago in a flash, so experiences definitely vary but I wasn't concerned about a single thing, I just knew I'd receive excellent care again (and I did) and these people are legends, they deserve more pay. Shit was more like a hotel stay for me, in there for less than a week? Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner served, excellent care, Lmao. Since I was worried about nothing due to previous excellent care I had received, the only thing I could have possibly been worried about is how I'd pay for it, but of course I didn't have to worry about that.