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Jumpin said:

I'm high, so I was sitting here laughing with everyone over it.
Logan Paul is an asshole because it draws a lot of negative press, and then he gains a lot of positive contrarian/curiosity attention.
Nia Jax reminds me of:

You know, except Samoan size.


Also, that powerbomb on Nia was amazing. Bayley better win this one. It could be a star making performance if she does. 

Edit: ;_; I am so sad right now. Great match. Easily Nia's best ever. Poor Bayley. ***1/2

Love the nods to Bret/Shawn/Taker in the attire. 

Whoever is booking the CM Punk Mcyntyre storyline needs a raise. Definitely the best story since Mania. Great match. Punk was kind of sucking wind, but to be expected coming off an injury. He still delivered despite that. This time around, CM Punk gets distracted by his hatred of Seth Rollins and winds up costing himself the match. ****1/2


By the end of the match the crowd was really really behind Priest. In what was a trend, Priest had his best match of the night. Oddly enough this was the first time I really bought him as champion. The turn was something that could be seen from a mile away, but that's not a bad thing. Sometimes you just have to do the logical thing.****

That Miz R-Truth segment was one of the worst I have ever seen. Although Jelly Roll did the moves better than one might expect. Logan Paul vs Jelly Roll will main event Wrestlemania 42. 

Arn Anderson is on TV. And he's promising a couple of friends on the way to help Cody. O_O. Reigns? Lesnar? Zak Ryder? Woo woo woo? Damien Sandow? Cody growing the mustache back?

This long entrance is weird but I think I like it. Nah. I like it. It's so sacchrine and wholeome. It's like warm apple pie for the soul. 

I think Jacob Fatu is legit hurt. :( That sucks right after debuting. 

Roman is back. And with cool new music. And this ramp is so damn long it makes the run ins take forever XD.

That was ok. A bit like the Mania 40 main event. The ending was a bit messed up by what I think was a legit injury to Jacob Fatu which put a damper on the whole thing. 


Pretty good event overall. Very sports entertainy.

Edit: Now that I think about it I dunno if Jacob Fatu is injured.

If the idea was to make you wonder whose side Roman was on, then it really only makes sense if just Cody and Solo are in the ring. If Jacob Fatu was in there too, then it would only make sense if Roman was coming to even the odds, so you'd know right away who he was there to help Cody. So hopefully there is no injury and just good selling.

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 03 August 2024