G2ThaUNiT said:
As far as console popularity, Xbox will most likely never reach the highs of the 360 ever again. The 8th gen was detrimental because that was the generation where console players dramatically built up their digital libraries, achievements, etc and not too many, unless they have a huge amount of disposable income, will switch to Xbox because they don't want to lose what they spent years building up on. So Xbox as a console is now primarily meant to satisfy the core Xbox audience as well as being integral to being the affordable way to subscribe to Game Pass. Any other new Xbox players that do decide to get the console or get an Xbox as a secondary device, is just a nice extra bump. It's no longer the core that the entire business is built around. Hell, we're slowly seeing that reality with PlayStation as well. But it's pretty much been that way since MS announced all future Xbox games would go on PC day one and launched the Xbox app on PC along with its own tier of Game Pass. So enjoy the consoles without the external negativity because you've got a huge heap of huge games coming your way to Xbox! And that's what I'm most excited for. |
What a great message, thanks for the positivity and for the hype !
I'm still a huge fan but I'll be happy to see them do better ;)