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Palestinian fighters detonate house-borne IED in attack on Israeli forces

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) fighters attacked Israeli forces in the Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood of Gaza City with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms, while PIJ detonated a house-borne improvised explosive device (HBIED) that targeted Israeli troops, war monitors report.

US-based think tanks the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) said Palestinian fighters have now engaged Israeli forces for seven consecutive days in Tal al-Hawa, though Israel has not commented on its operations in the area.

Israeli forces deployed to the Netzarim Corridor, south of Gaza City, also came under what is now near-daily attacks on Thursday, and Hamas and PIJ fighters fired antitank guided missiles at Israeli armour in Rafah city in the south, the ISW-CTP said in their joint report.

Two killed near Maghazi camp

Israeli warplanes have carried out strikes to the east of the Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza, killing at least two people and wounding others, our colleagues on the ground report.

The attack comes after Israeli attack helicopters also fired to the east of the nearby Bureij refugee camp, according to reports.

Dozens of Palestinian fighters killed in 24 hours, Israel claims

Israel’s military says its 162nd Division, including the Givati Brigade and the 933rd Nahal Brigade, continue to fight in Rafah.

During the past day, its forces claim to have “eliminated” about 30 Palestinian fighters in face-to-face battles and air force attacks.

The reserve Jerusalem Brigade has also begun to fight in the centre of the Gaza Strip under the command of the 252nd Sinai Division.

The Israeli military said soldiers in the brigade identified Palestinian fighters emerging from a tunnel in the Gaza Strip, and Israel fighter jets subsequently “eliminated” them.

Palestinian homes targeted in Gaza City, Khan Younis, Nuseirat

Israeli forces have carried out another round of bloody attacks in Gaza overnight and into the early morning, the Wafa news agency reports.

The attacks include:

  • A family home has been bombed in Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighbourhood, which killed a child and injured four members of a family.
  • The bombing of an apartment located on Gaza City’s al-Jalaa Street has killed four people and injured 12 others.
  • A woman has been killed and others injured in the bombing of a family home in Khan Younis.
  • A family home has been bombed and artillery shelling north of Nuseirat camp.
  • Air strikes near Gaza City’s Sabra neighbourhood caused a fire.
  • Shelling of areas west of Rafah and east of Khan Younis.

Four Palestinians killed in central Khan Younis

Al Jazeera’s correspondent on the ground in Gaza first reported that two people were killed when the Israeli army shelled a house near the Abu Hamid Roundabout in the centre of Khan Younis, in the southern Strip.

Exclusive Al Jazeera video shows the recovery of the bodies of those killed, as well as the transport of those injured in this attack, including children, to Nasser Medical Complex in the city.

The Palestinian news agency Wafa now reports that four Palestinians have been killed and several others, including children and women, injured in the attack on the residential apartment.

Three killed near Gaza City hospital

The Israeli military has carried out an attack near the Jordanian hospital in Gaza City’s Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood, report our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic.

The assault killed at least three civilians and injured others, according to their report.

It is at least the third deadly attack in Gaza City since early this morning, with five others killed in separate neighbourhoods.