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zeldaring said:

This really depends on the tradeoffs someone might prefer a higher resolution vs better lighting. Red dead at 1080p would not be possible on wiiu, same for frame rate as well unless everything is equal then a advanced feature doesn't make it a better looking game it's subjective. Nice try though.

The WiiU -could- run Red Dead at 1080P.
Whatever the Switch can do, the WiiU can do, you just need to re-prioritize resources.
I.E. The WiiU's lack of bandwidth is a detriment to Alpha effects, cut those back and Red Dead's performance targets look far more appealing.

I also think you are confused here.

A video games "more advanced feature set" MUST take advantage of the hardware's more advanced feature set. The software cannot do it without the hardware and vice-versa, they work together. Remember that.

zeldaring said:

As for wiiu sure it was more modern but 360 ram was 2x faster and and had more shaders, I think wiiu GPU was slighty better but i think it could could have easily run BOTW and looked 95% the same with a better framerate, thanks to the cpu.

The WiiU's GPU on paper is technically worst than the Xbox 360's GPU.
But in the real world, the WiiU's GPU is fundamentally better.

Gflops doesn't tell the entire efficiency story, neither does DRAM bandwidth... Remember the eSRAM/eDRAM does actually help, which is why AMD threw in the infinity cache which drastically improved efficiency on Radeon GPU's even when they were at a bandwidth deficit verses the nVidia alternative.

As for the Xbox 360 running Breath of the Wild, keep in mind... The WiiU release of Breath of the Wild was already operating at 720P/30fps and it was suffering from performance drops. (I have the game on WiiU and Switch, so I am not talking out of my ass here.)

I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume the weaker Xbox 360 would run the game with 95% of the visual quality of the WiiU release when the game is built from the ground up to leverage a more modern architecture/feature set and still struggles at times.
That's not to say the Xbox 360 couldn't run it... You could run Skyrim on the original Xbox if you downgraded the assets enough... Just like I managed to run Oblivion (An Xbox 360 game) on Original Xbox class PC hardware. (Geforce 3 Ti, Pentium 3.)

There is literally a community that does "demakes" and will "demake" a game like Portal to run on something like the antiquated Nintendo 64 console.

So in short, you can downgrade any game to run on any hardware, to a point, but you do have to make concessions and compromises... However, I think I need to remind you that this discussion is about the best graphics on Nintendo Switch and not the Xbox 360 vs Switch comparison, I suggest you leave that for another thread.

zeldaring said:

Frankly many of these advanced features don't even make a huge differnce sometimes. like in this video it's suppose to be massive step up in lighting technology  but i don't feel like you would be missing much with out it. l would take high resolution/frame rates all day based on what i'm seeing here.

They absolutely make a huge difference, just because you lack the fundamental understanding of their implications and how they relate to the rendering of a scene does not make them insignificant.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--