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Finally beat bitch-dahn. Jesus that was a nightmare. Even after respecing and using a OP strength build he's still fucking hard. I like the first phase because his attacks are actually readable and i can figure out how to dodge his moves. his second phase however is fucking cancer. dodging confusing afterimage attacks where i hardly tell where he even is feels impossible. on top of that each sword swing is followed by a ray of energy in the area he swung, although that's not as bad as the fucking aoe blast after his last swing which you can only dodge with PRECISE timing. don't get me started on his gravity attack which he sometimes did twice in a ROW! This must've been at least 100 attempts.

Overall I'd say it's a fantastic DLC. honestly it could be considered it's own game with how much content there is here. The new weapon types are fun to use although i mostly stuck with the stuff from the base game anyway. lots of cool designs with bosses and locations, but i can't help to feel some areas could have been filled with more enemies and encounters especially Abyssal woods and the path up to Bayle's arena I love the look/design of these areas but i feel like they could've been filled with more interesting things. The bosses were lot's of fun although i feel like some of the mini-bosses were overused. i lost count of how many times i fought the generic dragon boss and the furnace giant. i think my favorite boss was Messmer's fight easily the best boss in the dlc. Loved fighting Rellana, Bayle, and Midra as well. Radahn could have been one of the best fights if his second phase was better. I feel like they tried to do too much with his second phase it just ended up feeling like BS. I feel like it's gonna get a nerf in future patch.

Overall i'd rate it a 9.0/10 dlc. great expansion feels like a full fledged souls game

Last edited by Eric2048 - on 01 August 2024