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Israeli military arrests son of prominent Palestinian resistance fighter

The Israeli military has stormed the town of Kober, north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, and arrested Palestinian man Ward al-Barghouthi, according to local media reports.

Ward is the son of a prominent local resistance fighter, the late Abu Assef al-Barghouti, who was jailed in the 1970s for killing an Israeli citizen. Israeli forces were seen tearing down images of Abu Assef in the street during their storming of Kober.

Israeli forces have also carried out raids and arrests across the occupied West Bank in recent hours.

Incidents include:

  • A man has been taken from his home in the Talaat Balibla area
  • Israeli forces stormed Nablus city
  • Israeli forces raided the town of Deir Istiya, northwest of Salfit

Israeli forces arrest Palestinians after Israeli settlers seized their farmland: UN

Israeli soldiers and settlers have killed six Palestinians and injured 78 others in the occupied West Bank in the past week, the UN humanitarian agency (OCHA) has said in its latest update.

In one incident, in the village of Hizma, Jerusalem, Israeli settlers seizing Palestinian farmland injured two Palestinian shepherds and cut down 40 trees, OCHA said. When Israeli forces arrived at the scene, they “arrested four Palestinians and then withdrew”, OCHA added.

The update also said that Israeli soldiers and settlers have destroyed more than 100 structures used for water and sanitation across the occupied West Bank since October, including pipelines and toilets.

Israeli military carries out arrest campaign in Nablus

The Israeli military has stormed the occupied West Bank city of Nablus and the nearby town of Urif, arresting at least six people, the Wafa news agency reports.

Israeli forces stormed the city and re-arrested two former Palestinian prisoners at their homes, while a student was also arrested at the An-Najah University.

The Israeli military also stormed Urif, south of Nablus, and arrested a man.