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mitran said: the ps3 is not selling bad its selling as the 360 in USA and much more in japan and will sell better in Eu some info to prove that the ps3 aint seling bad (however not great )
Very good demonstration. It also shows that the PS2 wasn't exactly blowing it up at first either. (Though a lot of this was due to shortages of PS2s) I find it insane that people are so critical of Sony. It's very impressive that they are able to manufacture so many PS3s this quickly. Considering the level of technology in the Machine. It took Microsoft 6 months to solve their manufacturing issues with less hardware involved. Sony solved the manufacturing delays within almost a month of launch. At least give them some credit where credit is due. Also the 600 dollars is worth every single penny, considering they are putting components that cost 840 bucks in total into that machine. Blu-ray has to be one of the biggest bonuses, which is precisely why I am getting one very soon with my tax refund. Blu-ray movies can be found for less or equivalent to the DVD price and they look very good. Anyone who has viewed HDTV knows how good HD looks. I've seen several people here saying crazy things about the PS3 sales. If you looked at the first 3 months of XBOX (original) sales and started drawing the same conclusions you are now about the Wii you would have been wrong. Xbox sold about 800k each month in the US for November and December, that's more than the Wii did in those months. I think it's insane to come to the conclusion that anything is going to fail or be wildly successful. Some people are saying the Wii is going to sell more than the PS2 did. I'd like to see that. The DS might not even reach that level and that thing is more popular than the Wii is. Really, the PS3 sales for the price, level of current competition, and what's currently available in gaming on the machine are just fine. The one thing no one here ever considers is the PS3 will have a longer life span than the Wii or 360 simply because it has more room to grow in the way developers are able to use its architecture to improve gameplay, graphics, physics, AI, environments. I don't think it will sell as many as the PS2, I don't think any of the current gen will. I do think it will remain very competitive with the other 2 consoles and *may* start to sell better later in its life cycle.