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Israeli forces raid occupied East Jerusalem

A large number of Israeli soldiers have raided the al-Issawiya neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem, arresting a young man and wounding several Palestinians as confrontations broke out, according to the Wafa news agency.

The Israeli soldiers also stormed a medical centre and sprayed waste water on homes and vehicles, Wafa reported, citing witnesses.

Several Palestinians arrested as Israeli forces raid West Bank

Israeli soldiers have stormed several towns and villages across the occupied West Bank, raiding homes and arresting a number of Palestinians.

Here’s what we know:

  • In the Tulkarem refugee camp, Israeli soldiers arrested a young Palestinian man at a temporary checkpoint, the Wafa news agency reported.
  • In Beit Fajjar, east of Bethlehem, Israeli forces arrested two Palestinian men who had both recently been released from Israeli military prisons, according to Wafa.
  • Israeli forces also raided the Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem and arrested several people, according to Al Jazeera Arabic.
  • Israeli forces also stormed the towns of Yatma and Jamma’in, south of Nablus, Al Jazeera Arabic reported.

Israel’s Lapid calls Erdogan ‘a danger to the Middle East’

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid condemned remarks from Erdogan, in which he suggested Turkey may enter Israel to help Palestinians.

“President Erdogan is ranting and raving again. He is a danger to the Middle East,” Yair Lapid wrote on X.

“The world, and especially NATO members, must strongly condemn his outrageous threats against Israel and force him to end his support for Hamas. We won’t accept threats from a wannabe dictator.”

Earlier, Erodgan, who has been a fierce critic of Israel’s war on Gaza, told members of his party that “we need to be very strong so that Israel cannot do these ridiculous things to Palestine”.

“Just as we entered Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we can do something similar to them,” he said, referring to the Azerbaijan-Armenia war over the Nagorno-Karabakh region and the 2020 conflict in Libya, when Turkey country sent troops to support the country’s government.

Looks like it's you that's ranting and raving... And since this is the 'opposition', I doubt Israeli elections will change much if anything :/