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zeldaring said:

DF says halo 4 can take the crown for most impressive game in the 7th gen but you can clearly see from your eyes it's not. what makes your opinion more valuable then there's?  To Me it's subjective and many techheads says comparing 2 different games with 2 different artstyle and goals is meaningless why should I value your opinion more then there's. Personally I think it's waste of time comparison because naughty dog for all we know could have achieved the same results or better since the 360 since the 360 had many advantages, maybe being easier to develope for could have giving them way more time to make the graphics better, who knows, a million what if scenerios  so i'll just judge a console power by the actual games and how they run not speculation.

Halo 4 is visually impressive... To assert that I have stated otherwise is you simply ignoring my previous statements out of their intended context and only reading what you want to read. So... Stop doing that.

Halo 4 had multiple technical regressions from Halo 3, heck even Halo: Reach made some technical regressions from Halo 3, they were visually better games, they just weren't technically better in every aspect.
Get it yet? You are confusing art for engine technology, they are NOT the same thing.

The best looking Playstation 3 games, beat anything on Xbox 360. - Ergo, it doesn't matter how the majority of games look and perform when the best looking games are on Playstation 3.

zeldaring said:

Thread was turned to a 360 vs ps3 way before we started the tech discussion it was never a contest to begin with ps4 is massively better then xbox one, and you love saying I'm wrong when I'm right if that makes you feel better then keep doing it 

Still everything i said is factually right like can someone actually look at MGSV and crysis 3 which both use PBR and the look at the uncharted 2/3 and say this is technically more demanding on the GPU'S and cpu's and call it a fact. i say would this is impossible unless you are some kind AI human.

The Xbox One had a few key advantages... Namely the CPU speed and the DRAM latency, which meant that in a few games which weren't bottlenecked by the Xbox One's slower memory bandwidth and GPU performance, it could actually come out ahead. - It was just a very rare occurrence, I recall one of the Assassins Creed games turning up better results when there was a ton of NPC's on-screen.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--