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Kamala Harris shifts tone on Gaza, but advocates say US voters want more

After US Vice President Kamala Harris said she will “not be silent” in the face of the suffering in Gaza, Palestinian rights advocates want to know exactly what that means for United States foreign policy.

Critics say the US bears responsibility for the atrocities committed against Palestinians in Gaza because of Washington’s unconditional military and political support for Israel’s war on the territory.

They also say that the vice president’s expression of sympathy without shifting the US away from supporting Israel’s war on Gaza will not help Harris win back voters alienated by President Joe Biden’s full-throated support for Israel in the war.

The alternative is much worse, voters don't really have a choice

Netanyahu seeking to mend ties with Trump in Mar-a-Lago meeting

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s top wish was to mend fences with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during their meeting in Mar-a-Lago on Friday.

Trump and Netanyahu had a fall-out in early 2021 after the Israeli prime minister became one of the first world leaders to congratulate Joe Biden on his presidential election victory, disregarding Trump’s false claim that the election had been stolen from him.

Hassan Barari, analyst and professor at Qatar University, told Al Jazeera that Netanyahu “understands that Trump doesn’t care about the Palestinians but wants a transactional policy whereby he can continue the Abraham Accords”.

Continue the Abraham accords that led to Oct 7...

Albanese rejects ‘selective moral outrage’ following Hitler comparison

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese has hit back at criticism from US and Israeli officials after she endorsed a picture drawing a parallel between Adolf Hitler and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“The Memory of the #Holocaust remains intact and sacred thank[s] to people of conscience worldwide. Institutional rants and outburst of selective moral outrage will not stop the course of #Justice, which is finally in motion,” she wrote on X.

Earlier, we reported US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said Albanese was “not fit” for a UN position, while the Israeli Foreign Ministry said she was “beyond redemption”.

Those using the holocaust to defend the current genocide are tainting the memory of the holocaust. "The Genocide Convention was the first human rights treaty adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 9 December 1948 and signified the international community's commitment to 'never again' after the atrocities committed during the Second World War."
It's happening again, in full view, led by Netanyahu.