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zeldaring said:

Honestly watching videos of gears of war 3, Halo 4, and forza horizon in 4k vs ps3 best exlusives in 4k and honestly prefer how they look over uncharted 3, gow3 and gt5. Still it's impossible to tell if these games are technically more demanding then 360 since the gap is so small. Still we had a whole generation and the majority of 360 games ran better and that objectively makes  it more powerful to me in real world performance.  Also Naughty is the most skilled graphics developer by far that gen who knows what they could have did on 360.

Again. The Playstation 3 undoubtedly had more real world performance. - It's not even up for debate at this point.

Just multiplats ran better on an easier to develop machine, which is fairly expected and normal and has occurred all through console history.
Naughty Dog showcased that the Playstation 3 could offer a substantial step up in terms of visuals.

...And we had games like Beyond: Two Souls (Motion/Face capture!), God of War, Metal Gear turning up some great results.

zeldaring said:

What's your take on wiiu vs 360. Since 360 has more shaders, faster ram and much better cpu, they gpu are very close with wiiu being more modren and of course wiiu with 512mb more ram for games.

The GPU comparison is hard, the Xbox 360's GPU is a hybrid design of R500/R400 and it has 3x SIMD groups consisting of 16 cores with a 5-wide VLIW setup.
It's the GPU that future Terascale GPU's are based upon that gave us the much hated and poor performing Radeon 2000 series, that wasn't rectified until the Radeon 3000 series and refined with the Radeon 4000 series that the WiiU GPU is derived from.

Microsoft got good bang-for-buck with this GPU for 2005 all things considered, it was a gamble that paid off.

The WiiU however used a full-blown Terascale GPU which has 2X SIMD groups consisting of 16-cores also on a 5-wide VLIW setup.
But AMD had made some significant progress Between the Xbox 360's GPU and the WiiU's GPU in the name of efficiency.
And efficiency is important, you can do more work with less.

The WiiU's GPU has more Pixel and Texture throughput than the Xbox 360 and real-world compute (Not everything is about the number of fixed hardware units) likely falls in the WiiU's favour due to efficiency gains.

The detriment to the WiiU's GPU is actually the memory side of the equation, it needs to rely on it's eSRAM which it has 32MB verses the Xbox 360's eDRAM of 10MB, but the Xbox 360 has over twice the bandwidth from DRAM.
If a WiiU developer builds it's render targets properly to leverage the eSRAM (Difficult) the WiiU's GPU should be a fairly decent step up over what the Xbox 360 could do.
It also has double the system memory for bigger textures.

The Xbox 360's CPU, despite being an in-order design, is superior to the WiiU's out-of-order triple-core design, which was also another detriment to the WiiU in garnering decent multiplatform support from other 7th gen consoles.

In the end, the WiiU did get Breath of the Wild which is an impressive title in it's own right, the WiiU's maximum potential was never going to be tapped having no marketshare, it was never going to be financially viable.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--