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RolStoppable said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'm trying to spread the news I find relevant (my idea was to use US Politics as a news dump) but since VGChartz is a broken mess I'll probably just stop posting in US Politics and go back to focusing on Russia/Ukraine War. It doesn't matter how many tweets it is, the glitch would still exist simply from posting a tweet if it is related to tweets.

I want more tweets in the US Politics thread, because I don't want to go searching on the internet for the cool stuff. If zorg and other mobile users can't handle it, they still have this Election thread for US politics. Just because the site is bad to use for some people doesn't mean that we have to make it lame for everyone.

sundin13 said:

Yeah, I'll add that I like the tweets. I hate browsing Twitter so it helps me see what is happening without actually haven't to really use the hellsite.

TallSilhouette said:

I, the famous enlightened centrist of VGChartz, like the tweets in moderation. Sometimes you post a lot and it does slow down the page. Now I must go; there are lots of fences that need sitting on.

*flies away*

Don’t worry, Ryuu & Pi Guy found a solution

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.