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Hiku said:
Chrkeller said:

The party has been hijacked, millions of us are aware and bothered by it.  Thus it isn't correct to group us.  The Nazi party were socialists.  that doesn't mean socialists are Nazis.  

North Korea's full name is Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

I see the-pi-guy beat me to it.

I imagine you don't think North Korea is particularly democtratic.
So I'd like to hear how the Nazi party were socialist in anything but name.

I've only ever seen this misconception being expressed by right leaning forum members.
Social Democracy, which is how you can describe nordic countries like Sweden and Norway, are very much capitalist countries. The main difference is that their social safetynet is much broader than it is in the US. More of the tax money goes back to the people in the form of meaningful programs like universal healthcare, or tuition free college. Instead of bombs.

Those are things that people like Bernie Sanders strive for. But the term socialism is conflated with communism by the right in the US, and it gets a negative connotation.
Many even think that Biden is a socilist.

More over, they tend to conflate economic models with governing models. 

Economic model-Capitalism.
Governing model-Democratic republic.

Socialism or communism is always envisioned as being an autocratic governing method.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.