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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Timmy trying to sneak into cool kids club but getting cucked

I've talked about this with some folks on a disco server, and it amazes me how this big "c'mon bro don't be this retarded" trojan horsing approach, is going unnoticed by the FTC.

Like I get it, Valve's a big boy, but it's also a company with the least total staff, and it actually has features to provide and a backend, and so far, Epic has been doing nothing but trying to subvert those features for years now. They've already usurped and tilted Valve's own network, because no one is using it anymore for crossplay or online play, which is why we're seeing devs magically coming out with EOS services, which becomes super convenient for Epic, because the process registers said user to Epic in one way that they'll end up boasting about, come the fiscal year (even if they don't earn money from said user, they still count the users using their client/services as one entity, which is fucking dumb and arrogant, imo).

It's bad enough that we get games that come to Steam, but also Epic, that would get mod support, but the studio is like "won't somebody please think of the Epic users", and delegates their modding platform to some shitty third party site and not Steam Workshop (which I find convenient  for Epic, because it's subverting one of Valve's features).

I want the FTC to stop fucking around with MS, because that battle is going nowhere, but Epic these past 5 years has been trying to whittle away hard at trying to dismantle Steam from the outside, and now they're trying for an internal push and I find that malicious in nature (no one asked for EOS, only Epic pushed it because they didn't like Steam's backend). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"