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ToolFan89 said:

Why is he nutty bc he has diff opinion

and half of these ppl arnt even from America why are they commenting I don't take anyone serious if u arnt from America or can't vote shouldn't be even in this thread 

"He" is you on your alt account. Which is now banned.

People not from a particular country who consistently engage in political discussion tend to be more well informed regarding the political matters of that country than the average native citizen, who typically don't do that.


Are country?
A women?
No punctuation, etc.

It's rich that you are claiming non-Americans can't be taken seriously and shouldn't comment, when all of them seem to have a much better grasp on your own language than you do.
I'd wager they are also more well informed on the election, since that tends to go hand in hand with reading/writing comprehension.

Last edited by Hiku - on 24 July 2024