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zorg1000 said:
Ryuu96 said:

These are reasons why I'm quickly thinking Kelly should be VP, for me it's between him and Shapiro. Like you said, Kelly has more moderate border policies, a powerful story to encourage further gun safety laws but not wanting to take them away completely. He appeals to moderates/independents and he's both a navy captain and astronaut, the image alone is powerful.

Republicans wish they could have a VP as decorated as Kelly, they'll struggle to attack him with anything and Americans love both military veterans and astronauts but my understanding is that Pennsylvania is more important which is awkward...Shapiro may get them Pennsylvania but I think Kelly would appeal more to the entire country.

I originally thought Shapiro too because of the Rust Belt states (Pennsylvania/Michigan/Wisconsin) but now I’m thinking you don’t actually have to be from there to appeal to those voters. Kamala/Kelly have enough strong qualities to appeal to them.

Also, just out of pure pleasure, I want to see JD Vance TRY to debate Mark Kelly, Lmao.

I can't even think what angle they would try to attack him on (that would actually work).