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Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

Yep, I also think this reinforces my previous argument that it’s not democratic policies that people were against, Joe Biden himself was the issue.

Kamala should be able to communicate the accomplishments of the last few years and future goals in a significantly more coherent way.

Getting people to understand the policies, eg messaging, still remains a problem IMO.  

Meaning Harris needs to focus on women's rights, low violent crime, high stock market, Jan 6th coup and trump's conviction.

Keep it simple and avoid controversial policies.  


And I will never understand why people thought running Biden was a good idea in the first place.  We all knew he had major issues for the last 12 months.

From my perspective liberals hate Trump with a boiling passion, so they need very little motivation to go out against Trump.  The middle aisle, independents and levelheaded republicans are the key target demographic.  Harris gets a reasonable amount of those folks, and the election is over, hence focus on the big talking points.  

For sure, it’s easier said than done but I think a general blueprint like this would be very effective at getting swing voters/centrists/independents: 

Abortion-should be easy, talk about how it’s Trump’s fault that Roe got overturned and she will do everything in her power to make sure it gets restored.

Crime-talk about how violent crime is trending down and use her prosecutor background to reassure people that it will continue to go down.

Economy-this one is tougher, you don’t want to sound out of touch by bragging about the stock market when people are still struggling from high prices & borrowing costs. It has to be a message about how things like the stock market, low unemployment & inflation cooling shows the worst is behind us but there is still a lot of work to be done.

Trump-go with the prosecutor vs felon angle. Talk about how Trump doesn’t respect the rule of law and is only in it for himself. Can also bring Biden into it by saying he chose the good of the country over his personal ambitions. Biden stepped down while Trump tried to steal an election.

Border-This is where Mark Kelly would be a good pick for VP, he’s from a border state and has been critical of some of Biden’s border policies, he can go out there and advocate for a middle ground between Biden’s open borders & Trump’s mass deportation plan. Really push the Senate border bill that has a mix of increased border security & streamlining the asylum process.

Gun Safety-another area where Kelly can potentially shine. He’s a gun owner and his wife survived an assassination attempt. Go out there and talk about how he’s a proud gun owner and doesn’t want to take guns away from his fellow Americans but we need stricter laws to prevent what happened to his wife & Trump.

Infrastructure/manufacturing/healthcare/climate-brag about the historic investments from the major bills Biden signed into law, talk about how Trump would reverse these accomplishments while she will protect and expand on them.

Child Care/Education/Families-promote the parts of Build Back Better that were stripped out like expanded Child Tax Credit, universal Pre-K, subsidized Daycare, tuition free Community College, subsidized elder care.

National Security/Foreign Policy-Again emphasize that she’s a former prosecutor & Kelly is a former Navy Captain and how they are the type of people you want in office to make America safe and protect our allies abroad.

Project 2025-keep attacking it as a wish list of extremism ideas and keep attaching Trump to it.

Divisive Issues-You’re right that they should stay avoid highly controversial topics like trans rights for example. Just give a general message that you’re going to fight for everybody’s rights.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.