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LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

I used to love them when I had the time to play them. Now I dislike them for not even being able to finish one battle in the limited time I have for gaming.

I tried to like BG3. I put about 10 hours into it but it's just to slow. We also tried co-op but that was a mess. I'm sure I would have liked it in my twenties with more time than responsibilities. Now it's too much effort to get going again, too many systems to remember and keep track off when only playing half an hour couple times a week.

That sucks. Although I think most people should be able to find time for their hobby or do you have many other hobbies? If even you made a hour once a day you'd beat a fairly large game on a month and that's 12 games a year. You need to put away that headset of yours and focus on games you can pick up and get straight into. My current total time gaming this year is 314 hours, beaten 8 or so (big) games and that equates to about one and a half hours per day gaming. I know I do more, probably sank into games that didn't hook me but at about 2 hours a day I make it work. Cut out social media/Youtube/ TV and phone scrolling, you'll find time there I promise, check your usage in the android settings. You'll be surprised. 

It's the second, too many other hobbies in summer :) I rather spend time outside and with the long days eat late, then help my youngest with his projects (wood working lately). By the time I sit down to play it's already after 11 pm.

So if I play something it's half an hour of VR during the summer months, which is mostly some GT7 or Puzzling Places.

I don't have a mobile phone, so no scrolling :) And this site is pretty much the only one left I keep track of daily. Yet between playing a game and reading a book outside, swimming, jogging, biking, games always lose. I'm not the youngest anymore (50), staying up till 3-4 AM to play an RPG is a thing of the past. I have many fond memories of BG1 and 2, Icewind Dale etc. Dragon Age and The Witcher series were the last I sunk my teeth in. And TotK which is designed for bite sized play.

Gaming habits do change over the years which is fine I guess. My kids play the long games now, in party chat, while scrolling on a phone or having a laptop or TV running you tube nearby. I need all my focus on one thing nowadays, hence VR is pretty ideal at this stage of my life. It's just not compatible with hot summer days!

Anyway Dragon Age Origins was a huge favorite of mine and show cased what I love in these type of games. Experiencing the world with different parties (taking even more time!) I played Dragon Age Origins through 4 times when it came out to get all the story and party permutations.

I also sued to do good and evil playthroughs. The focus in the past was discovering all the systems, nowadays my focus is more on experiencing a story. BG3 definitely leans heavily to the first. I tried it on story mode and it was still far too much 'accounting' work. I loved min-maxing in the past, now I rather not have to keep track of different gear sets for a whole party. Today I would go for modes where you only equip the main character and let the others handle themselves. I think Dragon Age did that?

I need to get back into Demeo. While meat for multiplayer, it was actually quite fun to attack solo. That scratches the strategic turn based battle itch. BG3 does a great job of it apart from some targeting issues. However one battle easily lasts half an hour with all the looting and cleaning up included. Maybe I'll fire it back up in winter.