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ToolFan89 said:

Why is he nutty bc he has diff opinion then you look at America right now in my city south Texas woman was rapped by illegals coming across I can literally drive to the border you have no clue u want to endorse someone worse then Biden also ur one of the most disliked people on this site u think trump is a cult and fascism let's drop you off in North Korea I bet u don't last a second running across the border crying lol come on man and half of these ppl arnt even from America why are they commenting I don't take anyone serious if u arnt from America or can't vote shouldn't be even in this thread 

What do you do with all the time you saved not typing y and o in the word You. Must be amazing. You lost a bet with punctuation. I see nothing wrong with rapping even though it's not my favorite music. As for why he was mocked. Because they were highly sexist remarks and boiled down to. Women=Weak. Normally the only people who think that way are weak insecure males.

Last edited by Leynos - on 23 July 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!