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Not sure if this has been reported by NYTimes is saying Harris raised $81 million in her first 24 hours after Biden's endorsement. Thats wild. Whats even more interesting is the fact that this money came from 880,000 different donors:

"Vice President Kamala Harris raised $81 million in the first 24 hours since announcing her bid for president, her campaign said, a recording-breaking showing as Democrats welcomed her candidacy with one of the greatest gushers of cash of all time.

Her campaign said that 888,000 donors had contributed in her first day, 60 percent of whom were making their first contribution of the 2024 contest. The campaign signed up 43,000 of those donors to make recurring donations, it said."

This enthusiasm for her is real.


A democratic super pac announced that it had raised and additional $150 million in the last 24 hours.  This, plus more up to day numbers takes Harris' pull to about $250 million in 24 hours.  Thats incredible.  

Last edited by CosmicSex - on 22 July 2024