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UNRWA teams visit destroyed Gaza HQ

Philippe Lazzarini, head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), has shared photos on X that resulted from a visit to the agency’s headquarters in Gaza City, which it announced a week ago had been “flattened and turned into a battlefield”.

The photos show the wreckage of the compound, the outside of which is painted with clearly identifiable UN logos.

“This used to be home to our central offices and one of the largest UN compounds in the region. … This is one of hundreds of UN buildings destroyed in this war”, Lazzarini wrote.

He added that those responsible for the office’s destruction must be identified and brought to justice.

“Whether it’s Palestinian armed groups including Hamas or the Israeli Forces, those responsible must be held accountable for another blatant disregard of international humanitarian law.”

Office of UN chief confirms Israeli attack on UNRWA convoy

Earlier, we reported that Philippe Lazzarini, head of UNRWA, said Israeli forces had shot at a UN convoy heading to Gaza City on Sunday despite the movement being coordinated and approved by Israeli authorities.

Now, Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, has confirmed the version of events offered by Lazzarini.

“A convoy from our UNRWA colleagues was shot at by Israeli forces as they were heading north to Gaza City,” Dujarric said, adding that according to Lazzarini, the convoy’s movement had been “coordinated with the Israeli authorities, and those responsible for yesterday’s account must be held to account”.

There were no injuries in the attack, the head of UNRWA said.

Knesset passes bills to close UNRWA, label it ‘terrorist organisation’

Israel’s parliament has passed three bills in their first readings to close the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) and designate it a “terrorist organisation”.

The first bill prohibits UNRWA from operating any mission, providing any service or conducting any activity on Israeli territory. It was passed 58-9, The Times of Israel newspaper reported.

The second bill was approved 63-9 and calls for stripping UNRWA personnel of their legal immunities and privileges offered to UN staff in Israel.

The third bill calls for designating the UN agency as a “terrorist organisation” and requires Israel to cut ties with it. It was passed by a 50-10 vote.

The three bills will now go to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for further deliberation. They will require two more readings to become effective.

Israel has lobbied hard to have UNRWA closed, especially since it began its war on Gaza in October.

Palestinians slam Knesset bill to label UNRWA a ‘terrorist’ group

PLO Secretary-General Hussein al-Sheikh says the bills targeting the UN agency that provides relief to Palestinians shows “Israel’s disregard for the international community and its global agencies”.

Earlier, we reported Israel’s parliament passed three bills in the first reading to close UNRWA and designate it a “terrorist organisation”. The bills have to pass two more readings.

“The Israeli occupation is the ugliest form of terrorism that is exercised against the Palestinian people. And the Knesset’s decision to target an international humanitarian organisation has to be met with a global stand,” al-Sheikh said.

He urged states to support the agency “financially, politically and morally, so it can continue to carry out its humanitarian role towards the people who are victim of Israel’s occupation”.