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Protesters gather at Tel Aviv airport to demand ceasefire deal

Israeli protesters have gathered at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport to demand a ceasefire deal before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s departure for the United States on Monday morning.

They have urged Netanyahu not to travel to Washington before a deal to free the captives held in Gaza is signed with Hamas.

The prime minister’s office earlier announced that a negotiating team would be dispatched on Thursday. (after)

Palestinians announce August 3 national day for supporting prisoners

Qaddura Fares, who heads the Commission for Detainees’ Affairs, said August 3 will feature local and international protests to shed light on the plight of prisoners inside Israeli jails.

“Detainees in Israeli prisoners are being subject to a war of vengeance similar to the one being waged on the Gaza Strip,” Fares said in a press conference in el-Bireh, near Ramallah.

Fares said he believes that grass-roots action in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, can make a difference for detainees, who are being subject to “assault and torture”.

More than 9,750 Palestinians have been detained since October 7, he said.